2 Samuel 8 Devotional

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A devotional message on 2 Samuel 8 for Christ Our Savior Baptist Church by Kyle Newcomer.

Discussion Questions

  1. Why does Pastor Kyle keep calling 2 Samuel 5-10 a mountain range of the Old Testament? Why are these events important for what the Scriptures have to say about God’s plan to save through Christ?

  2. Look at the gifts the exalted Christ gives to his church in Ephesians 4. How do these gifts bless you and equip you to do the work of the ministry?

  3. In your own words, what is the work of the ministry Paul is describing in Ephesians 4:12? How are you taking part in this work? In what ways do you need to grow?

  4. What’s the biggest hindrance for you serving the Lord the way Paul describes in Ephesians 4?

  5. Choose one of David’s penitential psalms to read through (Psalm 6, 32, 38, 51, or 143) How does David’s example of repentance influence your understanding of the Christian life?

  6. If the church is the fellowship of the repentant, how should this play out in our life together?

  7. Who has helped you mature in Christ? How could you do this for a fellow church member?

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