5 Easter Encouragements

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An Easter devotional for Christ Our Savior Baptist Church for April 12, 2020 by Kyle Newcomer.

  1. How do you deal with feelings of guilt? Can you identify any sinful tendencies in your response to guilt? How does the atonement Christ accomplished encourage you?

  2. What are some specific ways Christ has succeeded in righteousness where you have failed? How does this build up your faith?

  3. Why are Christ's commands good? Where do you tend to rebel against the commands of Christ? 

  4. Meditate on Colossians 3:1-4 (or listen to these sermons). How might you use these truths to help you in following Christ?

  5. How does the hope of glorification help you face today's trials?

  6. How has Christ been the Good Shepherd to you?

  7. How is the exalted Head of the Church calling you to serve him in proclaiming the gospel?


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